Modern technologies are developing so rapidly that cars purchased just yesterday are already hopelessly outdated in terms of safety. There are two ways to fix this situation. Find money and buy a new car or try to improve a used car with the latest developments.

What can be changed in the old car

Buying a new car with every upgrade of the lineup is very costly from a financial point of view. Installing the old, but still reliable car of the latest security systems that will warn the driver will cost much cheaper:

  • about a possible collision;
  • presence of interference in blind spots;
  • a sharp drop in tire pressure.

Collision avoidance system

Most modern cars are capable of not only warning, but also independently preventing possible collisions. The collision avoidance system using the camera and radar sensors constantly monitors the movement of vehicles and instantly - with the help of an audible signal - warns the driver about the danger, and if necessary applies automatic braking to avoid a traffic accident.

Previously, such equipment was installed only on new machines. However, recently the cost of this technology has decreased significantly. Therefore, today, owners of used cars have the opportunity to equip their vehicle collision avoidance system.

Such equipment is freely sold on the Internet, where you can find and select the perfect security system for any car model.

Tire Pressure Monitoring System

Recently, in a number of countries, a legislative ban has been introduced on the sale of cars without control devices that respond to a sharp drop in tire pressure. That is how the governments of these states, worried about the safety of their citizens, reacted to the information that such equipment significantly reduces the accident rate on the roads.

It’s just that this safety system warns the driver in time about a sharp decrease in tire pressure, which allows a person driving to react in time to an emergency situation and stop the car.

The cost of this useful equipment is not great. Therefore, owners of used cars may well equip their car with a tire pressure monitoring system to significantly increase the safety of their vehicle using this latest technology.

Blind Spot Warning System

Statistics show that the vast majority of traffic accidents on Russian roads are due to inattention of drivers during overtaking and lane changing from one lane to another.

Traffic police explain this phenomenon by the existence of so-called “blind spots” - sections of the road that are not visible in the rear-view mirrors. Therefore, inattentive drivers who overtake or change lanes simply do not see that the “neighboring” lane at this moment is occupied by another vehicle.

The consequences of such accidents are very serious, and modern technology helps to avoid such problems. The latest security systems warn the driver about the presence of another car in the “closed” section of the road with red or orange LEDs on the side mirrors, and also duplicate this signal on the dashboard.

Similar security systems are rarely found in used cars.However, the owners of these vehicles can easily buy and install such equipment on their car.

Thus, buying a new car just because of the latest security systems makes no sense. After all, it is possible to equip your old, but still quite reliable car yourself with such equipment, and it will cost much cheaper than buying a new car.