Today, cars are hard to imagine without special protective systems. However, not all drivers are satisfied with the standard version of these devices. As a result, dissatisfied motorists are trying to install in their car a more reliable, from their point of view, alarm. However, they often do not suspect that these actions can provoke the incorrect operation of the entire electrical circuit of the car, which ultimately will lead to serious problems.

Self-installation on a car with a guarantee

To begin with, the installation of the security system on a vehicle under warranty should be carried out only in car services that have the appropriate license and an agreement to carry out this kind of work with a dealer service center.

If the owner of the car “forgets” about this condition and tries to set the abnormal alarm system independently or in the “left” service station, then the warranty service of his vehicle will be immediately terminated. In the best case, this applies only to the electrical equipment of the vehicle, where, in fact, the intervention prohibited by the terms of the contract occurred. However, the worst case is also possible with the complete cancellation of the warranty.

Immobilizer System Failure

Every experienced driver is aware that modern vehicle models are equipped with an immobilizer, which blocks the engine from starting at any unauthorized access to the interior of the car. But motorists, as a rule, learn about the reaction of this protective system to abnormal alarms after installing the security device themselves, when the immobilizer tightly blocks the engine of the car.

It is not possible to unblock this safety device yourself. Therefore, the owner of the car will have to call an electrician with special equipment and pay him a tidy sum for unlocking the immobilizer, since such services require a decent reward.

Poor wiring

Experts say that the main mistake of the driver, who decided to change the security system on his car, is to reassess his own forces. Indeed, not every transport owner, even having electrical installation experience, knows that laying electrical wiring in a car has significant differences with similar work in the construction industry.

The fact is that in each machine there are abnormal zones that differ:

  • high fever;
  • a large number of electromagnetic interference;
  • sudden changes in voltage.

Therefore, any electrical equipment, including car alarms, when mounted on a vehicle without taking into account specific features, will not work correctly and with a large number of failures. The worst case threatens the owner of the vehicle with extremely unpleasant consequences, since electrical wiring that is not laid out according to the rules can simply catch fire with the extremely unpleasant consequences arising from this dangerous event.

Thus, the self-installation of an emergency alarm on a vehicle under warranty should be completely excluded. In all other cases, the car owner must soberly assess their strength. Indeed, even experienced specialists involved in the repair and installation of car alarms for more than one year recognize the installation of a new security system on a vehicle as one of the most difficult types of electrical installation work, during which even the slightest errors are unacceptable.