Since JBL speakers attract buyers, copies from unscrupulous Chinese manufacturers who want to enrich themselves in the glory of the brand began to appear on the market. The cost of replicas may be slightly lower than the original or completely identical.

However, the quality of performance, sound volume and other important technical characteristics are much lower. As a result, the buyer receives a poor-quality device and remains cheated. We will look at the main ways to distinguish an original product from a fake. Remember these tips and use them when buying.

Main differences

  1. Packaging. Be sure to read the labels located on the cardboard box. The original product has a serial number, a description in several languages, a QR code for authentication. Chinese manufacturers do not bother to place such information on a replica. Often there is no logo on the column photo - instead of it, an orange rectangle flaunts here.
  2. Equipment. Be sure to check the contents of the box before purchasing. The original is packed in a soft white bag, additionally fixed with transparent tape. The Chinese version is located in a free plastic bag. Remember - the standard equipment contains adapters for various types of sockets, operating instructions, a charger and a neatly folded power cable, tightened with a film.
  3. Housing. The logo is recessed on the original column. On a fake label is a paper sticker towering above the surface of the body. Also noticeable differences affect the control panel. The icons on the buttons on the original are bright. On a high-quality fake, the control symbols are painted with dull paint. An additional sign of a replica is the lack of a serial number under the battery charging compartment.
  4. Sound. If the original JBL speaker is at hand, try comparing the sound between the two devices. Of course, the original is an order of magnitude superior to its Chinese competitor. Even a user with imperfect musical ear can notice “flat” frequencies, hissing or clicks of a fake.
  5. Battery life. The brand speaker plays for about twenty hours thanks to the unique technologies used by the manufacturer. The replica is notable for its small autonomy and can last up to 1 hour on a single charge. In high-quality fakes, the duration of the sound is longer, but does not reach the original.


To buy a real JBL speaker, it is recommended to use the services of trusted equipment stores. They do not allow themselves to sell Chinese replicas under the guise of an original product from a well-known brand. If you buy a device with a hand, then be sure to use the tips listed. Thanks to our recommendations, you can be safe from buying a fake and get a brand column that will delight you with its high-quality sound for several years.