Neighbors have long been working with a glue gun, quickly connecting almost everything: wood, plywood, fabric, glass. So you went to the store and saw a variety of guns with glue sticks. They differ in size, diameter, temperature, feed rate. How not to get lost in this variety and choose exactly what suits us. We will talk about this in our article.

About cheap glue guns

Cheap guns differ from expensive ones in speed of operation and a number of other parameters:

  1. The diameter of the glue stick is 7-8 mm. It is this rod size that low-powered pistols can melt and feed. If gluing is done infrequently, this is quite enough.
  2. The next parameter that distinguishes professional models from household ones is the length of the rod. One-time work does not require long pencils, so for everyday life you can take short ones.
  3. The temperature regime for a household product is 105 degrees. Is it a lot or a little? Temperature affects the feed rate of the adhesive. Therefore, to quickly connect a pair of pieces of plastic or attach eye-buttons to a toy is enough.
  4. Power or warm-up time. 4-5 minutes are enough.
  5. The presence of a trigger. The cheapest trigger models do not have. The feed of the rod is carried out by pressing with a finger. This is very inconvenient, but squeezing a few drops is enough. Enough for small work.
  6. The cheap tool is equipped with a short and hard power cord, which interferes with long work. However, for one-time work this is not essential. For long-term use, it is worth choosing a different type of power supply or the size of the power wire.
  7. Inexpensive models have 1 built-in nozzle.
  8. Lack of protection against drops.
  9. Cheap models are designed for universal adhesive composition. It melts at a temperature of 105 degrees and is suitable for many materials.
These parameters of the general purpose glue gun and are ideal for domestic conditions. However, for professional and long-term work you need other equipment.

About expensive glue guns

A professional tool is not only distinguished by its qualities, but also by its price. Its functions are more diverse and differ from household models:

  1. The diameter of the cartridges is larger than that of household cartridges - 11-12 mm. This is necessary for an increased supply of glue through the nozzle.
  2. The glue stick reaches 20 cm or more, which is necessary for large jobs.
  3. Professionals work with large areas and special adhesive masses. Therefore, the temperature of the gun reaches 200 degrees, and in some cases up to 500.
  4. The power of the equipment is high, so the warm-up time is reduced to a minimum. At the same time, the glue feed rate is up to 30 g / min. This is useful when gluing large arrays. Do not forget that the melt thickens very quickly.
  5. An important detail is the trigger mechanism. Their 2 types - rotary, slide. The most commonly used swivel.
  6. The body of the gun must be reliable and prevent leakage of the melt.
  7. The power cord on expensive models is made long and flexible - it does not interfere with work, but restricts movement. To go beyond the limits of the length of the cord will allow the device with the battery. The most versatile models with a detachable power cord. In offline mode, they allow you to work 15-20 minutes. The cost of these types of tools is high.
  8. An expensive tool allows you to change the nozzle. For example, long for hard to reach places or wide for a large strip of glue.
  9. Drop protection is integrated in some nozzles. In standby mode, the inner ball closes the path to the molten solution.
  10. Adhesive compounds. This is the main material that professionals work with. It is universal and special. Universal are suitable for joining almost all materials. Special designed for waterproofing, sealing, sealing joints.

Does every master need an expensive thermal gun

This tool is used by masters for various works.Sometimes this is gluing boxes in stores, in warehouses. Sometimes - in the construction industry for fastening wood, plywood, metal or plastic. Each master selects a tool for a certain type of activity.

Sometimes you really need expensive tools for high-temperature, secret work or battery models that do not connect the specialist with the place of use. However, for more people, models with a power cord and a high heating temperature will do. They belong to the middle price category.