Refrigerator manufacturers can find the English designation for the built-in No Frost feature. What is this in the fridge? What do housewives who are accustomed to monitor the hygiene of such equipment should know about this function? Since the condition of the products stored in it, which directly affects the health of the whole family, depends on the internal work and the type of refrigerator, it is important to understand how practical and useful this technology is for modern people.

The Importance of the Know Frost System

So what does Know Frost mean? The literal meaning is “without hoarfrost”. Such a system is designed to maximally clean the internal space of the unit from freezing and icing. If this is not done, then the cooling surfaces are "overgrown" with layers of hoar frost turning into ice. This prevents the full return of the cold temperature, and the atmosphere inside the refrigerator begins to warm.

As a result, the products, being in an environment with an elevated temperature, are quickly covered by bacteria and deteriorate. An unpleasant odor appears inside, which is absorbed into the plastic walls of the refrigerator and begins to spread to all products. Opening the door of the unit contributes to the smell in the apartment. To prevent all these negative consequences, the “Know Frost” function has been developed.

The principle of the system

How the Nou Frost system works in a refrigerator is easy to understand if we compare its effect with the functioning of conventional cooling equipment. Most models are equipped with automatic defrosting without interruption. This is convenient and invisible to the user:

  1. Refrigerator compressor circulates freon in the internal system.
  2. When the cooling elements are turned on, the temperature drops back, as a result of which frozen droplets of moisture from the air form on the back wall of the internal compartments.
  3. When the compressor stops, the temperature rises gradually, and the frozen drops flow down into a special channel, which transfers them to a shallow container.
  4. The compressor starts up again and heats up from operation. The incoming water evaporates from its hot case, and new drops continue to form inside the refrigerator.

This ensures periodic removal of moisture from the internal departments of the refrigeration equipment. This allows you to maintain a good transfer of low temperatures and proper storage of products.

The problem with this technology is that the cold is distributed unevenly throughout the interior. Usually the evaporator is located in the back wall of the upper half of the housing, where the temperature is lower. This creates certain difficulties in the placement of products. For example, if you put fresh tomatoes close to the back of the camera, they will freeze and deteriorate.

Milk placed too close to the door will be in the “warmest” part of the refrigerator and will quickly turn sour. When using such an apparatus, you constantly need to remember the correct location of different products.

The Nou Frost system in the refrigerator provides two tasks: eliminates frost and creates an even distribution of cold, regardless of the location of food on the shelves.

This is achieved due to the location of the evaporator between the freezer and the refrigerator compartment. The operation of the system is complemented by an internal fan, which moves cold air throughout the space.

Holes have been created in all sections to facilitate mixing of the cooled stream. Moisture is effectively removed from all corners of the enclosed space and transferred to a hot compressor for evaporation. Products are equally cold regardless of where they are placed on shelves.

Pros and cons of the system

The No frost function in the refrigerator, the pros and cons of which should be weighed by all customers, can not only significantly increase the safety of products, but also create some inconvenience. Here are its main advantages:

  1. Products are quickly surrounded by cold air, which reduces the likelihood of bacteria multiplying and spoilage.
  2. The continuous circulation of cold air throughout the refrigerator provides a uniform temperature on each shelf, which facilitates the placement of soft and hard fruits, drinks and perishable foods.
  3. With frequent opening of the door, the process of restoring the optimum temperature takes less time.

Among the shortcomings of the modern function are the following:

  1. Such models of refrigerators are much more expensive than analogues without a ventilation system.
  2. The fan and additional channels occupy useful space in the internal part, which affects the reduced size of the compartments or large external parameters.
  3. If you put poorly packaged products, they will quickly weather off due to constantly moving air.
  4. The ventilation system has more Energy consumption.
  5. Since the fan runs continuously, even during compressor pauses, noise from the equipment is constantly emitted.

food in the refrigerator

Varieties of the system

A modern function can have several options. Some models are equipped with the Frost free system, which implies a light version. In such units, only freezer compartments are equipped with ventilation, and in the refrigerator compartment, only the drip method of removing moisture functions.

In more expensive devices, Full No frost systems are built in, which means the most powerful use of the function. In practice, such models are equipped with two autonomous systems with each own compressor and fan. One circuit works for the freezer, and the second serves the refrigerator. Units belong to the high class power and the effectiveness of cooling equipment.

When deciding which refrigerator to buy - with or without a ventilation system, it is worth considering the humidity in a particular region. Such technology will be most in demand in hot and humid climates. Water from the air will be effectively removed, and the products will be kept fresh.

But if the air is already dry, then a drip moisture removal system will be enough. Food will be less windy, and the device will not be so noisy. You will need the habit of properly distributing the products on the shelves of the refrigerator.