The number of security cameras on Russian roads is constantly increasing. Therefore, drivers who suffer from fines are constantly on the lookout for antidotes to this scourge. Fortunately, there are responsive Chinese businessmen in the world who instantly responded to this request and offered motorists a unique device that turns the car into "invisibility" even for modern radars.

The principle of operation of the device

We are talking about a portable jammer for traffic police cameras - a small electronic device with an antenna and a power connector, which is included in the car cigarette lighter.

The principle of operation of this miracle device is extremely simple - the device generates the so-called “white noise” in the range of 1550-1620 MHz, which blocks the GPS signal at a distance of 15 to 50 meters, creating targeted interference in the operation of road cameras and preventing the transmission of a violation signal SDA to the Information Processing Center.

In other words, this portable device should save drivers from fines for exceeding the speed limit, crossing continuous markings, driving on the "red" and other traffic violations. In this case, the seller assures the buyer that this device:

  • It is a new generation device;
  • protects against all types and models of cameras of automatic video recording of traffic violations that are used by traffic police;
  • Suitable for any vehicles.

Moreover, the use of this device, according to manufacturers, does not violate the norms of Russian legislation.

Most domestic drivers who are not particularly law-abiding would gladly take the opportunity to avoid penalties for violating traffic rules and purchase a miracle device worth from 1,500 to 4,000 rubles if they unconditionally trusted Chinese goods.

However, manufacturers from the "Middle Kingdom" can not boast of an impeccable reputation. Therefore, potential buyers would first like to see the effectiveness of such “jammers”. After all, sellers do not provide convincing evidence, but confine themselves to questionable commercials stating that this device with a “green light” supposedly helped drivers hide the violation from the traffic police.


Works or not

The good news is that this device is absolutely safe for health, since its radiation level is small and does not exceed acceptable values. But there is some bad news. Testing another Chinese panacea convincingly proves that this device is completely useless.

To begin with, modern automatic video recording cameras (Strelka, Chris, Cordon, etc.) record traffic violations at a distance of 50 to 250 meters, and they “notice” a car at least at a distance of half a kilometer. The radars used by traffic police even measure the speed of a car using a laser beam.

Therefore, the “jammer” with its radius of action from 15 to 50 meters will not be able to protect the driver who violated the rules of the road from a fine. But this device is quite capable of harming its owner, since the active device creates interference:

  • navigators;
  • DVRs
  • mobile phones and other equipment that uses a GPS signal during operation.

The most interesting thing is that similar devices in Russian stores are sold under the name GPS suppressor. True, the manufacturers of “jammers” claim that these devices are only similar in appearance, but their “electronic filling” is different.

There really is a difference - a suppressor, which, according to sellers, does not affect the operation of road cameras in any way, mutes the signal from satellites much more effectively.

Therefore, the portable jammer of automatic surveillance cameras is actually a beautiful trinket.It makes no sense to buy such a miracle device for several thousand rubles, since the best protection against traffic police fines is to drive a car without violating traffic rules.