The Google Play service has identified more than 200 malicious mobile applications. The number of installations of these programs has already exceeded 440 million. These applications were searched by information security experts at Lookout Corporation. They revealed several features in the applications, on the basis of which they came to the conclusion that all the malicious software was created at CooTek. This is a Shanghai software developer.

In appearance, the applications are unremarkable, and immediately after installing them, no problems arise. But after some time, the programs begin to broadcast annoying ads to the user. It can appear both when the application is running, and when the application is not active. These are mainly promotional videos or audio recordings. The smartphone’s resources are spent on their processing, so using an infected device is almost impossible. And all this is due to the BeiTAAD plugin, which is installed in all infected software samples. This module is encrypted and hidden, so only a specialist can find it.