In the popular Vkontakte network, the VK Mini Arrs service has been launched, giving all Russian graduates the opportunity to recognize the points obtained by passing the Unified State Exam (a single state examination). A special section called “USE Results” created by HSE students appeared on the social network.

After entering there, young people who pass the exam will be able to see the scores received, or configure the platform so that it sends them notifications of exam status. The service takes data directly from the USE official website, so the exam results appear on Vkontakte at the same time as they are published on the state portal. Another service allows users to show exams to friends on social networks. With the help of VK Mini Arrs, ​​Vkontakte significantly improved the platform for processing third-party programs. Now it will be much more convenient for developers to create new services that do not require installation and work within the social network. A special catalog has been created for them, which is accessible through the fifth tab of the VK application, where the "Services" menu is located.